Feral Druid bergembiralah! Blizzard telah memberi design baru bagi para feral druid, seperti yang terlihat pada gambar di atas untuk mengubah form fire mereka harus menggunakan sebuah senjata Fandral's Flamescythe yang berasal dari salah satu boss yang ada di patch 4.2 : The Firelands, yakni Majordomo Staghelm, druid akan otomatis berubah ketika dalam keadaan combat.
Computer, Stuff & Games
Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011
Macros WOW Rogue 3.3.5a & 4.2
Rogue |
Mouseover Blind
/cast [target=mouseover,exists,harm,nodead][harm,nodead] Blind
Mouseover Tricks
/cast [target=mouseover]Tricks of the trade
Stop attack + Vanish
#show Vanish
/cast Vanish
Premeditation + Garrote
#show premeditation
/cast Premeditation
/cast Garrote
Premeditation +Cheap Shot
#show premeditation
/cast Premeditation
/cast Cheap Shot
Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011
Macros WOW Death Knight 3.3.5a & 4.2
PATCH 3.3.5a
Mouseover Death Coil
#showtooltip Death Coil
/cast [nomodifier] Death Coil
/cast [modifier:alt, target=mouseover] Death Coil
Lichborne + Self Heal
#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast !Lichborne;
/cast [target=player] Death Coil
Pet Leap Back + Heal
/cast [target=yourhealer] leap
/cast [target=pet] death coil
Pet Gnaw/Leap + Focus
#showtooltip Gnaw
/cast [nomodifier] leap
/cast [nomodifier] gnaw
/cast [modifier:shift,target=focus] leap
/cast [modifier:shift,target=focus] gnaw
Strangulate or Shift Focus Strangulate
#showtooltip strangulate
/cast [modifier:shift, target=focus] strangulate
/cast [nomodifier:shift] strangulate
Strangulate Mouseover
#showtooltip strangulate
/cast [target=mouseover, exists] strangulate; strangulate
Death Knight,
World of Warcraft
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