Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Patch 4.2 : Druid Fire Cat Form

Feral Druid bergembiralah! Blizzard telah memberi design baru bagi para feral druid, seperti yang terlihat pada gambar di atas untuk mengubah form fire mereka harus menggunakan sebuah senjata Fandral's Flamescythe yang berasal dari salah satu boss yang ada di patch 4.2 : The Firelands, yakni Majordomo Staghelm, druid akan otomatis berubah ketika dalam keadaan combat.

Macros WOW Rogue 3.3.5a & 4.2

Patch 3.3.5.a

Mouseover Blind
 /cast [target=mouseover,exists,harm,nodead][harm,nodead] Blind  

Mouseover Tricks
 /cast [target=mouseover]Tricks of the trade  

Stop attack + Vanish
 #show Vanish  
 /cast Vanish   

Premeditation + Garrote
 #show premeditation  
 /cast Premeditation  
 /cast Garrote   

Premeditation +Cheap Shot
 #show premeditation  
 /cast Premeditation  
 /cast Cheap Shot   

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Macros WOW Death Knight 3.3.5a & 4.2

Death Knight

PATCH 3.3.5a

Mouseover Death Coil
 #showtooltip Death Coil  
 /cast [nomodifier] Death Coil  
 /cast [modifier:alt, target=mouseover] Death Coil   

Lichborne + Self Heal
 #showtooltip Lichborne  
 /cast !Lichborne;  
 /cast [target=player] Death Coil  

Pet Leap Back + Heal
 /cast [target=yourhealer] leap  
 /cast [target=pet] death coil   

Pet Gnaw/Leap + Focus
 #showtooltip Gnaw  
 /cast [nomodifier] leap  
 /cast [nomodifier] gnaw  
 /cast [modifier:shift,target=focus] leap  
 /cast [modifier:shift,target=focus] gnaw   

Strangulate or Shift Focus Strangulate
 #showtooltip strangulate  
 /cast [modifier:shift, target=focus] strangulate  
 /cast [nomodifier:shift] strangulate   

Strangulate Mouseover
 #showtooltip strangulate  
 /cast [target=mouseover, exists] strangulate; strangulate   

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

World First Kill Ragnaros 25 Heroic

World First Kill Ragnaros 25 Heroic by Dream Paragon

After just a few weeks of Firelands raiding, DREAM Paragon has defeated Ragnaros on 25-man heroic mode, earning them the world first and the Firelord title. DREAM Paragon announced the news on their website, promising their kill shot and comments in the near future. Congratulations to Paragon for this world first.

Dream, as an organization, is committed to developing E-sports in World of Warcraft and other E-sports related subjects. Dream was established in March 2010 by Luvis Network Technology Co., Ltd. The never-changing goal of Dream is to be one of the most professional E-sports organizations in the world.

The raid setup

1 Feral Druid
1 Protection Paladin
1 Holy Paladin
1 Restoration Druid
1 Holy Priest
4 Frost Death Knights
3 Hunters  1 Survival and 2 Marksman
3 Shadow Priests
3 Demonology Warlocks
3 Balance Druids
2 Fury Warriors
1 Arcane Mage
1 Combat Rogue

Strategy Guide go to Paragon site : ragnaros-25-man-heroic-mode-strategy-guide

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Membuat Tanda Loading dengan AJAX

Ketika seorang user mengklik tombol yang membuat dokumen meminta layanan ke server, kebanyakan dari user tersebut tidak tahu proses apa yang dilakukan terhadap dokumen sampai ia menjumpai hasilnya di layar. 

Dalam kenyataannya, informasi yang di dapatkan tersebut bisa saja diperoleh tidak seketika, tetapi beberapa saat kemudian. Untuk memberikan kepastian bahwa pemakai sebenarnya telah mengklik tombol, akan lebih baik kalau dokumen memberitahukannya, misalnya dengan memberi pesan seperti :

     Tunggu sebentar...
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Saya menggunakan 2 buah File :
1.File Loading.html
2.File Time.php